About Us

Welcome to the Western Washington Church of God, Faith of Abraham!

We are a Biblical unitarian congregation of Christian believers who look for the coming of Jesus the Messiah to establish the Kingdom of God here on this Earth. 

Churches within the Church of God, General Conference (headquartered in McDonough, GA) form a unique segment of the religious world with which you as a seeker for truth ought to be familiar.  While small in size, our contributions to Bible understanding have been great.  In many ways, its leaders have pioneered a reawakening in the understanding of Bible truths that were long hidden in the darkness of human traditions and philosophy.

With proper understanding of the Word and will of God, today’s Christian has both a challenging and rewarding work in this life to be an ambassador for the Lord.  The living Christ offers to the believer a full, rich life now and hope for an eternal life in the perfect Kingdom of God on earth in the age to come.

The Western Washington Church of God wants to help each person find a place in this life and a secure hope for the future.  Standing upon the promises of God and trusting implicitly in His grace, the believer can find a solid foundation for this life now, and life in the new age when Jesus returns.  We do not offer psychology or philosophy or schemes for social reform or legislative proposals or the solutions of authors, but instead we share the plan and will of God revealed through His Word - the Bible - presented in an easy to understand and practical way.  Our services emphasize worship, Bible study, and Bible-based sermons.  You will find a warm, hearty welcome and great personal benefit in the Church of God. 


At the Western Washington Church of God, you will find the people are friendly, dedicated, and interested in the spiritual welfare of their community and neighbors.

— Pastor Robin Todd